Shortly after breakfast, Bruce and Jan (the hosts) came downstairs and brought me some more goodies. Jan had made a delicious cupcake and stuck "21" candles for me to blow out.
They also bought me a watermelon because I was always amazed when we went to market how big they were. (This on is a smaller one because the big ones are literally too big to eat!)
Written on the back of my corn flakes box; Bruce and Laura (the other Helpers) made me a voucher....
and also wrote me a Poem....
Seeing you're so far from home..
And now you're turning 21..
You can reflect on all the the great things you've done..
Travelling the world as a young Kiwi
You've still got plenty of things to see,
You're here in Umbertide, strimming and planting many a tree..
Eating cornflakes every morn..
Keeping edges strimmed and shorn.
Even though you're a human garbage bin..
You still remain very thin.
In your overalls you looks so flash...
though some might say you look like trash.
Moving on from Bruce and Jan's
You'll k now you've made many fans..
Happy 21st, Love Laura and Bruce
After a relaxing day inside away from the thunder and heavy rain, it completely cleared and was nice a warm in the sun. We headed up to the back field and had some Prosecco (Italian sparkling wine) before guests started arriving.
Left to Right, Laura, Bruce, Jan, Me opening my present |
Photo frame from Bruce and Jan (with help from Bruce and Laura on the photo swap!) and homemade biscuits from Sally and Simons son from up the hill.
Paul, Bruce, Jan and Hazel |
Me talking to Nick from Nelson (orginally Holland) Sally and Simon and their kids |
Bit cooler when the sun came down so we moved inside |
Jan's delicious baking |
Another cake and being sung Happy Birthday |
Strimmer man (me) in the middle with Kiwi's around the side |
Another of Jan's creations. She even got my straw hat on there! |
Eating a Kiwi, everyone thought this was cannibalism |
This crazy Australian lady that I quite like! Laura and I |
The woman who spent hours preparing everything for the party; Jan. |
It was a great evening with many bottles of wine, heaps of food and great company. I had met almost all the guests already so was nice to have familiar faces. I'm very thankful to Jan and Bruce for putting this all together, many hours baking, cooking, and getting things organised, truly appreciative and so glad I wasn't just celebrating by myself at some deserted hostel!
Thanks to Mum & Scott, Emm & Dee, James & Jess, Kirst, and Liam for making my amazing birthday video with all your well wishes and the party you threw for me, I love that I'll always have that to look back on; Laura and Jan were also very moved by it. And Thanks to Mum for my early 21st present; my Ipod touch which has been an extension of my arm, and has helped me find and book hostels, trains, buses and get me out of some sticky situations. :)
Very hard to believe it's Dad's 2 year anniversary, thinking of him lots the past few days.
Now that I've been here a month I will be heading off in a few days, not entirely sure which direction I'm heading in; still tossing up between Switzerland/Germany or Spain/French Riviera, but anyway the last minute blog updates shouldn't be far away. :)
Thanks to Mum & Scott, Emm & Dee, James & Jess, Kirst, and Liam for making my amazing birthday video with all your well wishes and the party you threw for me, I love that I'll always have that to look back on; Laura and Jan were also very moved by it. And Thanks to Mum for my early 21st present; my Ipod touch which has been an extension of my arm, and has helped me find and book hostels, trains, buses and get me out of some sticky situations. :)
Very hard to believe it's Dad's 2 year anniversary, thinking of him lots the past few days.
Now that I've been here a month I will be heading off in a few days, not entirely sure which direction I'm heading in; still tossing up between Switzerland/Germany or Spain/French Riviera, but anyway the last minute blog updates shouldn't be far away. :)